Junior Section News Archive

2004/5 Season BT Community Award

Our thanks to BT in providing us with a grant of £100 towards the juniors. Our thanks also to Alan Rex in obtaining this funding.

Season 2003/4
Matches v Ellingham & Ringwood u11

Verwood were pleased to host Ellingham & Ringwood u11 on Sunday 15th February which saw a great game between the sides. The game was a pretty even match (despite the scoreline) with the visitors winning 49-12

Matches v Oakmeadians

Oakmeadians played  host to Verwood on Sunday 1st February with some entertaining games. Congratulations go to Oaks in winning both the u11 and u12 matches

Verwood entertained Oaks u11 & u12 on Sunday 18th January on a fantastic Sunny morning at Potterne Park. Over 50 youngster took part in a combined training session followed by two matches the results of which were as follows:

Verwood u11s 46 Oakmeadians u11s 14
Verwood u12s 5 Oakmeadians u12s 21

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Coaching Courses

We are pleased to announce that two parents involved in the junior section, Alan Rex & Jonathan Fontaine, and one of our senoir players Phil Emery attended ansd completed RFU Level 1 coaching courses in September this year utilising funding from our "Awards for All" Grant. Congratulations to them all.

Junior Section sponsorship 2003/4

The junior section were pleased to formally accept a cheque from Harlees on Sunday 1st June of a cheque in the sum of £600 representing very gerous sponsorship of the Club's shirts.

Verwood RUFC